miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

NYE Menu: Carpaccio di Polipo

Happy New Year! 
As promised here the recipe of my NYE Menu. Today's special is:

 Carpaccio di Polipo

Step1: Clean the octopus by removing all non edible parts like eyes, beack and so on, then rinse it well under cold running water.

Step2: Heat in a deep pot, a quantity of water sufficient to cover the whole octopus. Once boiling dip 4 times the tentacles of the octopus by holding it by the head. This will allow the tentacles to get curly. Then let it cook for about 45 minutes together with a red wine cork (it gives some color to the octopus).

Step3: Take an empty water plastic bottle and cut it in twice. Keep the half with the bottom and with a screwer make some holes in the bottom. Remove the octopus from the water and push it into the half of the bottle. You will have to force it inside and you'll see some liquid pouring off the bottom holes. As the octopus as to cool inside it ( in order to get the cilindrical shape)  I suggest to cover it with some plastic sheet and put on top a weight to keep it well compressed. Let It cool in the fridge for 24hrs.
Step4: After cooling the octopus should have a compact cilindrical shape (to extract it cut the bottle), then slice it with a well sharpened knife and serve it with a black pepper, salt, white wine and oil vinagrette.