martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

New Year's Eve Menu

★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Good Morning! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆

 Here is my proposal for New Year's Eve Menu:
Antipasti: Carpaccio di Polipo

Primo: Spaghetti ai Polipetti
Secondo: Tacchinella al Melograno

Dolce: Catrombole di Zia Laura

☆★☆★☆★HAPPY NEW YEAR!☆★☆★☆★

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

Veg4U: Lasagna de Chinakohl

Buenos dias! Hoy quiero muestrarve otro plato que sale muy sabroso y que ademas es muy sencillo de hacer. Es una lasagna echa con el chinakohl (que es el "primo" del repollo). Perfecta como primer plato para las cenas de esta festividad. Buen Provecho!
Clica aqui para ver la video receta!===>

sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

Xmas Nails

☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Buongiorno a tutti!☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★
Oggi voglio mostrarvi questa combinazione di smalti che sto sfoggiando sulle mie unghie e che trovo particolarmente adatta a questi giorni di vacanza.  Si tratta di una base dorata della Isadora con una seconda passata di smalto glitter della Essie. Il risultato e'molto simile alla carta dorata che avvolge gli orsetti natalizi della Lindt. 
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Buone Feste ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

Winter Salad

Hallo mein Lieblings! Wie geht's mit deinem weihnach  urlaub? Zu viel gegessen? Fühlen Sie wie ein gefüllte ente? Auch Zu viel getrunken? Ach so ...dann eigentlich wie eine getrunken gefüllt ente! Kein Problem. Es gibt immer zeit für ein neu diat zu beginnen. Auf jedem fall probieren sie diese salat: Lollo salad, Orangen scheiben,  Zigen Käse, Rosinen und ein loffel frittierte Zwiebel.   Dazu eine senf-honig vinagrette...

lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

Sweet Xmas: Struffoli!

Buenos dias mis queridos! Hoy estoy escribiendo este post en casa de mis padres in italia y quiero muestrarve un tipico dulce que los Napoletanos preparan por la Navidad: Strufoli! El nombre es un poco raro pero' practicamente son bolitas fritas de masa de harina que se mojan con miel y frutas canditas. Es un rollo sin fin hacerla porque las bolitas se hacen a mano...pero ya sabeis como es el tema del proseguimiento de las tradiciones...una vez al año te toca!
Here the ingredients to prepare the dough:
  • 600 gr Flour 00
  •  4 Eggs+ 1 Yellow
  • 2 tbs Sugar 
  • 80 gr Butter 
  • 1 small glass of rum 
  • 1 Lemon zest rasped 
  • Salt (a pinch)
  • Seed oil to fry

Here the ing to decorate:
  • 100gr Orange -Lemon-Grapefruit and Cedar Candied Zest
  • Kumquats and Fresh orange zest.
  • Decorative sugar bids
 In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients (wet into dry)and work the dough  into a ball.Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest on the counter for 30 minutes.
Once the dough has rested, place it on a floured surface and cut into 8 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a thin rope shape and cut ¼ inch pieces. Roll each piece into a round ball and place them on the parchment paper lined baking sheet.
In a large pot or a deep fryer, add enough oil to get up to about 3 inches. Heat over medium high heat and fry the struffoli carefully in the hot oil making sure to constantly turn them around as they fry for even cooking, once they are deep golden brown, remove onto the paper towel lined baking sheet.

Put in a large deep pot the kumquat, the fruit zest. Add 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of white wine and let it cook at low medium heat for 20 min. Then add honey and let it cook until gets runny. Finally add the Anice liquer and toss in the struffoli and stear well for a few minutes until they are well covered in the honey. 
Sprinkle over sprinkles and candied fruit and let them sit for a wile before serving.

Nails of the Week: Love Xmas

Tired of being forced to "Be Good" as it's Xmas? Have omicide feelings at the shops waiting in a 1Km que to pay for the last present? Would rather spend the next days in a Shaolin monastery segregated between unreachable mountains? Well's Xmas...You Gotta Be Good nowhere is written that you have to wear horrible xmassy sweaters...then put on your best terrific rings!

sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013


Hi everyone! Finally vacation! Today is time for another 100% German Xmas drink Feuerzangenbowle. Literally means "Hot Pot with pliers on Fire" and from the pic you can guess why...The basic recipe is identical to Glüwine (see video link below ) but you gotta drench a sugar cone with 80% Rum and set it on fire until it melts down into your Glüwine.  WONDERBAR!

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

QuickFix Dinner

Hi everyone! This time of the year is particularly hectic.  Working hard to deliver before the end of the year and running in&out shops to find Xmas presents. No surprise that we arrive at home completely flat with no energy to cook whatsoever.  But there is a quickfix for those who are sick and tired of the usual abend brot...Just bring to boil some water and then add tortelloni and a bunch of dried mushrooms. Let it cook 3 minutes then drain all out and put in a pirex covering with pecorino cheese and sprinkle with dry fried onions. 2 minutes under the grill and it's done!

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Nails of the Week: Sparkling Forest

Good Morning! As I am in full xmas mood today, I have painted my nails with this beatiful grey-ish green forest color which is even more beautiful when paired with this nail varnish by OPI called"My favourite ornament" Love it!!!

sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Xmas drinks: Äpfelpunch

Hi everyone!  Today I want to show you how to prepare one of the best traditional German Xmas drinks: Äpfelpunch! It's really easy and is perfect for a winter party when outside is cold and gloomy and your guests needs to warm up ♡♥♡
click here to see video recipe==>

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Pennette Broccoli & Salmone

Guten Morgen! !! Heute kochen wir zusammen eine sehr gute italienische speisen und zwar Pennette con Broccoli e Salmone. Passt perfekt auch für ihre Weihnacht dinner weil es ist einfach aber trotzdem ganz raffiniert also los!


lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

DIY: Vanilla extract

Happy Monday! Today I wanna share on my blog how I do prepare my own Vanilla extract. A small bottle of extract can be pretty expensive and if you are baking often it is really handy to learn how to do it to save some money. It's really easy...
1-Cut by the lenght the vanilla bean and scrap out the little black seeds.
2- Place the seeds and the beans into a clean and sterilized glass bottle/vase.
3- Cover with Bourbon Whiskey.
4-Store it in a dry, cool and dark place for at least 3 months.

...and while you are waiting I would recommend to shake the bottle every now and then to help the infusion :-)

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Nails of the Week: Sparkling Nights

Hi everyone! !! Finally (after two super busy weeks) I got the time to sit down and focus my mind on one of the most challenging and meaningful activities that a human being can accomplish:painting my nails ;-) I wanted something festive but yet not too xmassy and at the same time adapt for a company xmas dinner... and here it is!

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Pasta alla Bolognese para vegetarianos

Buenos dias mis queridos! Hoy quiero muestrarve como cocinar un classico de la cocina italiana (pasta alla Bolognese) sin matar nigun animal :-) Ya sabeis que yo no soy vegetariana (y que me podria comer hasta mi hermana cuando tengo hambre ) sin embargo esta bolognese hecha con soja me ha salido muy sabrosa! Buen provecho ! Como siempre el link a la video receta lo pegare mas adelante....

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013


Hej Hej! Hur mar du? Today I got breakfast with these nice ginger bread Man Cookies Made out of a pre-made dough  sold by IKEA and guess what?  Soon I' ll make my own receipe Video!